Vibe is an attempt to create an app which instantly retrieves the identity and profile of people online simply by searching for their name. The aim of Vibe is to put all the information you need to know about contacts right at your fingertips. Although Vibe isn't available for Windows desktop, you can use it as a Google Chrome extension instead. Sometimes Vibe doesn't retrieve data very accurately but since it's still in Beta, this should improve.
First sign-up for an account and then when you access Vibe from the top-right of Chrome, log-in with your details and simply type the email address of the person you want to find in the search field and Vibe instantly retrieves data for that person. The sites searched are the ones you'd expect such as Facebook, Twitter and Klout. Vibe even searches older sites such as MySpace if the person has a profile. Vibe is also supposed to show a brief profile bio of the person you are searching but this only works in the case of people that are well known online, or that have lots of profiles online. Beyond that, Vibe doesn't have any extra features although it does work on Mac OS X as a standalone app too.
Vibe is extremely easy to use as it sits in the top right of Chrome. To log-in, click on the Vibe icon and enter your username and password. You then simply enter an e-mail address and Vibe will reveal things such as their Facebook profile, Twitter account etc. The accuracy isn't great. Some of the profiles revealed are of out-of-date MySpace pages or simply links to WordPress Gravatars. However, it depends on the person you are searching and this problem should improve when the final version is released.
Vibe is an interesting project although until the accuracy increases, it's better just to Google someone.
Windows 95