SuperEdi is a good, free program only available for Windows, that belongs to the category Development software with subcategory Development editors (more specifically HTML & XML).
SuperEdi is available for users with the operating system Windows 2000 and prior versions, and it is available in several languages like English, Spanish, and Danish. The current version of the program is 4.0.1 and it has been updated on 5/31/2007.Since we added this program to our catalog in 2007, it has managed to reach 3,951 downloads, and last week it gained 6 downloads. SuperEdi is a program that requires less space than the average program in the category Development software. It's a very popular software in Turkey, India, and Morocco.
bugfix: VBscript function InputBox() caused a crashbugfix: the context menu was not shown at the current cursor position when it was invoked by keyboardbugfix: crash when trying to insert the content of a file into a read-only documentbugfix: macro were unloaded before SuperEdi asked to save any unsaved documentsbugfix: the automation property Console.Visible was not documentedbugfix: the property Selection.CurrentColumn could not be set to the last column of a line
bugfix: VBscript function InputBox() caused a crashbugfix: the context menu was not shown at the current cursor position when it was invoked by keyboardbugfix: crash when trying to insert the content of a file into a read-only documentbugfix: macro were unloaded before SuperEdi asked to save any unsaved documentsbugfix: the automation property Console.Visible was not documentedbugfix: the property Selection.CurrentColumn could not be set to the last column of a line
Windows NT