BlueGriffon is a new open source WYSIWYG cross-platform editor based on Gecko, the same rendering engine that's used in Firefox.
Because it's WYSIWYG, its easy to use and because its just been developed, it conforms fully with the latest W3C Standards including HTML 5, CSS 2.1 and large parts of CSS 3, CSS Mdia Queries, MathML, SVG etc. The fact that it uses the same rendering engine as Firefox means that its particularly good for designing websites for Firefox users.
The project you edit will look exactly the same in Firefox 4 as it does while you're working on it. If you're an advanced coder, you can switch to Source View mode to hard-code your page so there's something for beginners and experts in BlueGriffon.
BlueGriffon is very impressive although its still very much a work in progress. There's very little in the way of help documentation so using it is a case of trial and error. However, the WYSIWYG interface makes it easy enough to feel your way around. Although BlueGriffon is free to use, it can be extended with add-ons, although some of these aren't free and working out how to add them onto BlueGriffon is a bit tricky.
BlueGriffon is an very impressive up and coming free WYSIWYG website editor which may prove a very solid alternative to commercial options.
editor was losing focus when arrows keys are used to move the caret and a panel is visible ; L10N fixes.complete refactoring of CSS Properties panel's codesave in source view horks character setunprefixing box-shadow, border-radius and other updatesallow BlueGriffon to open local *.php files; b=405allow changes of the document's charsetfloating toolbar was horked with the findbarCreate backup before saving a html file; b=401copy/paste makes all URLs absolute; b=398activeview popup too transparent; b=372html4 and html5 source views can be close without prompt, switch to DOMParser with text/html type; b=392fixed floating toolbar on linuxSerbian l10n addedLink Insertion dialog adds a mailto: to mail links even if already present; b=394comments, PHP and PI support; b=384negative margins were not allowed; b=383refine background-repeat UI; b=382Revert, CloseTab and CloseOtherTabs as context menu on tabs; b=294floating toolbar now has a preference in Preferences panelformerly hidden pref forceLF now has a preference in Preferences panelbetter support for multiple charsetstext-decoration:none option missing in CSS panel; b=381
editor was losing focus when arrows keys are used to move the caret and a panel is visible ; L10N fixes.complete refactoring of CSS Properties panel's codesave in source view horks character setunprefixing box-shadow, border-radius and other updatesallow BlueGriffon to open local *.php files; b=405allow changes of the document's charsetfloating toolbar was horked with the findbarCreate backup before saving a html file; b=401copy/paste makes all URLs absolute; b=398activeview popup too transparent; b=372html4 and html5 source views can be close without prompt, switch to DOMParser with text/html type; b=392fixed floating toolbar on linuxSerbian l10n addedLink Insertion dialog adds a mailto: to mail links even if already present; b=394comments, PHP and PI support; b=384negative margins were not allowed; b=383refine background-repeat UI; b=382Revert, CloseTab and CloseOtherTabs as context menu on tabs; b=294floating toolbar now has a preference in Preferences panelformerly hidden pref forceLF now has a preference in Preferences panelbetter support for multiple charsetstext-decoration:none option missing in CSS panel; b=381
Windows XP