Openvid allows you to record short, Chrome based, videos for training and tutorial reasons, all for free!
Openvid works on the concept that showing someone how to do something works so much better than telling them how to do something. With the newest release of the software, users can quickly and easily create short videos of their desktop work area and record a task to the cloud. They can then share that video to others for training or information use. Add your web camera for a personal touch, putting your face talking in the corner of the recording. Training, sales reports, status updates and more, you can now just as easily send someone a video instead of an email, with you explaining something instead of trying to word it in an email. The applications for this type of tool are wide and varied, the sky is the limit!
Since Openvid is based in a Chrome web browser, it's easy to use and quick to install, making it readily accessible to a wide variety of users in the world. use it for training, sales material or just to send your Grandma a special birthday greeting, the options for personal and business are only limited by the imaginations of the users that are using this software.
Windows 10