Captions: For Talking Videos is a free video editing app that allows users to automate the process of adding captions – or subtitles – to their videos. Primarily designed for content generators who face the camera when they are making a video, this app 'listens' to your audio and uses an algorithm to generate text from it.
Therefore, once your video has been edited using Captions: For Talking Videos, everything you have said will appear at the bottom of the screen in the form of written words. This is ideal for anyone who is hard of hearing or who wants to watch your video content while their device is muted. Generating captions this way takes seconds.
No, you do not need to generate captions for videos you post on social media sites like YouTube, TikTok, or Facebook. However, they can help to make your videos easier to understand by a wider audience, especially people who don't have your language as their mother tongue. With this app, the captions will be synchronized with your words.
When you are generating captions for a video, the wording should match what is being said in it. This will allow people to follow the content without needing to listen to it. In some cases, simplified language can also be used to make it easier to read. With interactive tools, Captions: For Talking Videos simplifies this process.
Like AutoCap – Automatic Video Cap, this program is a utility tool for editing already finished videos with some post-production. Available for free, it means that you will no longer have to type out captions manually when creating subtitles for your video content.
iOS 12.1.2