If you're looking for a fun way to improve typing speed and accuracy, or just want to prove how speedy you are, Typomagia is for you.
Typomagia is an unusual typing game that combines fast typing skills with a fantasy-style orcs and magic storyline. Don't be put off by that, though, as the game mechanics make this quite a tense game, and you won't have time to worry about the somewhat generic setting.
By typing words that appear onscreen, you build 'mana', which in turn allows you to conjure monsters to attack your opponent. In story mode you learn spells as you go along, which can create faster or stronger monsters and so on. This all costs mana though, so you have to constantly keep correctly typing in words to win.
Typomagia is a nice concept, although it's probably too hard for people just learning to type - even at the easiest difficulty, there's no time to waste. As the game progresses you need to make strategic decisions and type at the same time, which can be difficult if multitasking is not your strong point!
There are a number of word lists you can use in Typomagia, and on the developer's website there are also instructions for creating your own lists to use in game.
While the learning curve is a little steep, Typomagia a good concept and a great educational game.
Windows XP
Jari Komppa