Pocket Tanks is a fast-paced computer/mobile game where you have to destroy the opponent with firepower. The game is available on Window, Mac, iOS, and Android devices. You can play it alone or with another player, and you can choose from over 100 weapons and tools to create burrows and fight the good fight.
Pocket Tanks is a fun game with minimal strategy and lots of firepowers. It’s a fast-paced game aimed at destroying the opponent with firepower- . The game supports 1-2 player gameplay. You can choose from over 100 weapons, making the game rather appealing. Seeing how each armor and artillery weapon plays out is interesting and engaging.
Players can also use tools to dig burrows and hide from opponents. There is some strategy in what kind of armor you should choose at what range and angle.
The end objective is to accumulate maximum points, which you earn when a tank shoots the opponent the maximum times permitted. The player with the most points wins.
The game is highly engaging, keeping players on their toes at all times. The thrill of shooting down the opponent and accumulating points clearly gives an adrenalin rush. The entire environment is suitable as a destructive space, with its tunnels, burrows, pedestals, bunkers, and more.
The game boasts expansion packs: in one case, you can use up to 320 weapons. Separately, each pack has its own specific functionality. For instance, a missile launcher will have a different effect as that of a simple grenade launcher.
The artillery game is extremely easy to play and with some practice, you can easily hone skills. The game is simple and does not have long gameplay, so you won't devote hours to get to the “end”. The objective is simple: to accumulate as many points as possible by shooting down the opponent. After a few times of practice, this is not difficult to achieve. The interest level keeps rising as you keep hitting the target and getting more points. The real attraction is how the different weapons work.
The graphics are in 2D, yet remain sharp. You can actually see how the artillery explodes. The sound effects and animations are top quality.
Apart from the extra weapons, expansion packs can also get you 5 free weapons, 15 for mobile versions. A total of 320 weapons are available over 30 expansion packs for the game. You can purchase these online and download these from the official site.
The game was originally available on Windows and Macs. It is now available across Android and iOS devices as well. You can also play the game online for free across platforms, irrespective of the devices.
While the game is quick and upbeat, it hardly falls into the category of the sophisticated, almost life-like combat games available. The game is often too simplistic, and after a while of playing the game, you lose interest soon enough. There is no storyline tying everything together and strategy is not key to win. Once you’ve got the hang of shooting and aiming, that’s all there is to it, really.
Also, the lack of layers or story also leads to the same monotonous gameplay again and again. To add variety, you need to buy expansion packs for more access to more weapons.
The main competitor to Pocket Tanks is Shell Shocks, which is extremely similar to Pocket Tanks in its plays and environment. In Shell Shock too, you can customize tanks to destroy the environment and add new features and weapons by buying expansion packs. However, up to 8 players can play Shell Shock and more layers and levels are available. Other artillery games are PubG, World of Tanks, Battle Tanks, Atomic Tanks, Scorched Earth, Duel of Tanks, and Gravitee Wars.
Pocket Tanks is a really fun game to play alone or with a friend. The objective of accumulating maximum points is simple to achieve. The graphics and game design are 2D, and once you play a few times, it will lose whatever luster there is. The number of weapons to choose from makes the game extremely engaging, and can make this title worth the download.
Trial version
Windows ME