If you're waiting for a good time to get to grips with your finances, don't! You need to start today, and Personal Finances is a great place to begin.
Personal Finances has a clean, clear user interface and is very simple to use, something that makes it a great option for people who aren't used to personal finance programs. Personal Finances comes with a demo database already loaded, so you can see exactly how the program works from the very moment you open it.
When it comes to setting up your own Personal Finances database, you'll need to specify Accounts, Categories and Family. All of these are clearly indicated on the top bar, and you add new instances (for example, Mom's credit card, Dad's mortgage payment) by clicking the Add button. You then fill in payments, transfers and income on a regular basis so that you can keep track of your spending.
Personal Finances is not a complicated program, and it doesn't have many advanced functions. If you are looking for an attractive and clear graphical representation of your main outgoings and incomings, however, it's perfect, as it is simple to use and even easier to monitor your finances.
Personal Finances is a very simple program that's ideal for users who want to keep their money matters as uncomplicated as possible.
Unlimited subcategoriesDrag-n-drop transaction between categories in transactions treeAccounts multiselectUnicode supportCustomizable date and amount formats
Unlimited subcategoriesDrag-n-drop transaction between categories in transactions treeAccounts multiselectUnicode supportCustomizable date and amount formats
Windows 8