Nitrox multiplayer mod for Subnautica

Nitrox multiplayer mod for Subnautica


Free multiplayer mod for Subnautica

Subnautica is among the popular sandbox-y survival games available nowadays. However, the official version of the game only allows you to play solo, no matter what platform you play it in. Lucky for players, the game allows modification. And even luckier, some mods allow you to play the game in multiplayer mode. Nitrox is that mod. It is a free and open-sourced game utility that enables you to play Subnautica with your friends. The software offers a full co-op playthrough and even has the rudimentary chat system to give you a legit multiplayer experience. Be warned, though, as getting the multiplayer version requires a lot of complicated processes first.

From solo to co-op

Subnautica offers a very vast alien ocean that you canexplore throughout the campaign. However, while there may be lots of creaturesin the seas you'll be exploring, it can still be a lonely experience when playingon your own. To escape that, you can install mods to your base game that willallow you to play the game with other gamers.

Nitrox is one of these mods. With this software, you canenjoy a full co-op experience, including synced player movement, basicanimation, base building, and item dropping. It also offers other milestones,such as furniture interaction, power management, and cyclops syncing. Anothernotable addition is the chat system, which lets you interact with the otherplayers. Nitrox comes integrated with Harmony—a library for patching,decorating, and replacing .NET and Mono methods during runtime.

However, while it may seem that the mod is a great thing totry out, it is not recommended for casual players. For one, installing thesoftware into your Subnautica game can be pretty complex. It needs a lot offaffing to get it running since you will need to set up a development environmentfor it. Moreover, it still has various bug issues that can make the game moreannoying than enjoyable.

Overall, Nitrox is still an unstable mod for players lookingfor a co-op mode for Subnautica. The program still has a long way to go beforeit can give the players a multiplayer mod that is as polished as thesingle-player game itself.

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    Windows 10

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