grepWin is a search and lookup tool developed by Stefan Küng. It is an intricate utility that will allow you to find files, even particular phrases and text in your system in whatever format or name it is made as long as it exists on your HDD or SSD device.
On top of that, it offers customizable search features that can make the result more accurate and effective. Through this lightweight and open-source app, you can also freely indicate what to change and according to what criteria. grepWin is a freeware solution that is available to download and use on a Windows desktop.
All of its features and options provided are packed and presented in a single window. As stated, you will have the liberty to customize your query in any way you want. You can opt to enable a case-sensitive search, treat files as UTF 8, or modify the size limit. With this, you can exclude certain directories or files. This also automates the process of searching phrases or texts and replace them with anything you prefer.
Other than searching via Text matches, grepWin gives you an option to find results through RegEx search as well. RegEx is an acronym for the regular expression. It is an advanced form of searching wherein the tool will look for specific patterns instead of certain terms and phrases. This pattern matching will actually scan particular strings of characters.
It presents various search filters that you can utilize to narrow down the scope of your file results according to the criteria options you choose. For instance, you can specify the approximate size and creation date of the file you are looking for. You can also check the designated boxes if you wish to include subfolders, binary files, systems, and hidden items in the extent of your search. On top of that, it offers a backup feature also which will be handy for bulk renaming.
Overall, grepWin is a useful software solution, especially for users who have truckloads of files in their computer system. It is a sophisticated alternative for the built-in File Explorer function on a Windows desktop since it contains tons of search filters and options that you can customize as much as you want.
Windows 10
Stefan Küng