Call of Duty® WWII

Call of Duty® WWII


Historical battle action in Call of Duty: WWII

Call of Duty: WWII is a historical first-person shooter that sees the Call of Duty series return to its roots by putting you into the role of a young American infantryman living through the fiercest battles of the Second World War. Other characters will include not just soldiers but resistance fighters and even civilians.

Back to the battlefield

The Call of Duty series has always prided itself on its level of detail and historical accuracy, and Call of Duty: WWII is no exception. Unlike many shooters, the game doesn't include regenerating health. If you get too badly wounded, you'll have to find your squad's medic and get patched up, possibly costing you progress. Similarly, ammunition isn't as plentiful as in many other shooters, so make every bullet count. In addition to the single-player campaign, the game also features multiplayer battles, which include both competitive games with story-based asymmetric missions and a co-op mode. In the co-operative game, you'll fight alongside your friends against computer-controlled opponents including the ever-popular Nazi zombies. All in all, this is a promising return to a classic era for a franchise known recently for modern and sci-fi gaming.

Hit the beach

Call of Duty: WWII is pretty much what you'd expect from the title -- a gritty, realistic-ish shooter with plenty of content for history-buff gamers. If that sounds like your kind of thing, check it out.

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  • Developer

    Raven Software


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