Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware Tool, as the name implies, stops ransomware from taking over your computer. But what is ransomware, anyway? It's a piece of malicious code, like a virus, that steals all of your files and demands money to get them back. Sometimes, ransomware won't even give back your files after that... so software like this is essential!
Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware Tool uses a ready-made list of ransomware variants to detect infections both new and old. It's particularly effective against TeslaCrypt and other extremely dangerous ransomware that has been difficult to stop in the past. Unfortunately, in our testing it did more poorly against very recent releases, so you may want to avoid downloading software the day it comes out if you use Bitdefender here. But it's not all bad: Bitdefender is very fast and doesn't intrude. You won't find it slowing down your machine at all. It's also very easy to use, and provides some blanket protection against encryption, so basic ransomware won't get through no matter what.
Bitdefender Anti-Ransomware Tool is a great place to start if you don't already have dedicated protection against ransomware. It's fast and easy to use, and in a world where keeping up with security trends is burdensome, that's very important. It does provide solid protection, too. Of course, as the software's website says, remember to update your operating system and take other basic precautions as well!
Windows 10