Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac

Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac


A free program for mac, by Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Remote Desktop is a free program also available for iPhone, belonging to the category'Business & Productivity' , and published by Microsoft Corporation.

More about Microsoft Remote Desktop

This software is available for users with the operating system Mac OS X and more recent versions, and it is available in English.

Its current version is 8.0.36 and the latest update in our catalog happened on 01/04/2017.

Since we added this program to our catalog in 2017, it has achieved 198 downloads, and last week it gained 3 downloads.

The information about the install size of Microsoft Remote Desktop is not currently available. It's a heavily used program in countries like China, Greece, and Luxembourg.

  • Version


  • License


  • Platform


  • OS

    Mac OS X

  • Language


  • Downloads


  • Developer

    Microsoft Corporation


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