Shape Shift is a bright and colorful puzzle game for iOS along similar lines to Bejeweled.
The game board in Shape Shift is made up of a series of colored blocks. Each block has a shape on it, which is either a circle, a square or a triangle. Blocks can be swapped with another block with the same shape on it. You need to do this in order to make a group of four or more same-colored blocks adjacent to each other. Make a grouping and the blocks will disappear, giving you points.
You need to fill up the points meter in order to progress to the next level of Shape Shift. One thing that stands in your way are bomb blocks. These appear randomly and must be eliminated before their clock runs down. A second game mode called Zen allows you to play Shape Shift without the bombs.
It might sound a bit complicated but the point of Shape Shift becomes very clear after the first two or three levels, which serve as a tutorial for the various elements of the game.
Besides being a highly addictive puzzle game, Shape Shift is well presented too. The graphics are vibrant with some dazzling special effects. The relaxing classical music in Shape Shift provides a mesmerizing soundtrack to the game.
The action gets pretty repetitive but Shape Shift is still very difficult to put down!
iOS 4.3.2
Backflip Studios