Google Play Books allows you to download electronic books from Google's eBookstore and read them on your iPad.
There are currently more than two million books to download with Google Play Books, and these can be stored on your device and carried around wherever you go. The application also comes with a selection of free books to get you started.
The book reader in Google Play Books allows you to flick through pages simply by swiping your finger across the screen. A slider at the bottom of the screen enables you to flip more quickly through the pages. Google Play Books has options for changing the font, browsing through the chapter list, and enabling night-reading mode, which puts white text on a black background.
As a mobile ebook reader, Google Play Books doesn't quite have the same level of features as competing apps, such as Kindle or iBooks. For instance, there's no facility for highlighting text, you can't look up words in a dictionary, and you can't even switch to landscape format.
Zooming into a page with Google Play Books is also an awkward process. You need to hold your finger down on the screen and drag it around, rather than being able to pinch to zoom in and out.
Google Play Books gives you quick access to a huge library of books on your iPhone, but as a reader it feels very basic.
Support for reading your own PDF or EPUB files. You can upload the files using Google Play web site, and read them on all your devices. Stability and performance improvements.
Support for reading your own PDF or EPUB files. You can upload the files using Google Play web site, and read them on all your devices. Stability and performance improvements.
iOS 8.0