Eyes: the horror game

Eyes: the horror game


Run around with just a flashlight to see

Eyes: the horror game is a first person game where you have to run away from danger in order to survive. You have to navigate your way around a series of rooms, uncover new areas and grab things without being attacked. If you are close to being attacked, you have to run away in order to avoid taking damage. There are things to pick up along the way and scares to be had, but it is not overly gory or nasty, and it is free to play.

Running from danger is a good idea

The developers have not opted to make another shooting game set in a dark place. The developers decided that the protagonist’s only defense is retreat, and it was a clever decision. There are much too meaning first-person shooting games on the market and adding another horror shooter with graphics as poor as this game is both pointless and futile. By removing the shooting element, the game has a more original dimension to it, which helps to make up for the sub-par graphics. Making retreat the only weapon is not a new idea, but it is a commonly ignored idea in the first-person horror game genre.

The first time you are told to run in Eyes: the horror game, you will probably be unaware as to why. If you are not looking in the correct direction, you will not see what is coming for you. You may be fooled into thinking a shaking box is the thing you are running from.

As seen on YouTube

One of the reasons why this seemingly unknown game is somehow popular is because it was played by PewDiePie, who is the most famous YouTube creator ever. He played the game, and now it has had over half a million downloads. The game is spooky and free, but the adverts do a good job of staying out of the way, so they do not ruin the experience. The sound effects coming from outdoors are a nice alternative to silence, but they are not very deep or complex. Other, more developed games, have installed external sounds that are better and richer than Eyes. The graphics are below par, even for an indie game. On the plus side, it means you are more likely to be able to play the game with a low-spec computer, but otherwise they are not very good. The graphics are on the same level as Postal 2, which is a game from 2003, and some may say the game is closer to the old Unreal games of the 90s, but that is a little unfair. The game engine is a little more crisp, and the rendering shows better shading and exposure than the late 90s games. The use of lighting is what redeems much of this game’s below-par graphics. One the one hand, the use of light makes the game look and feel more sophisticated than it is, and on the other hand, they have not over-used blackness/darkness in order to get cheap scares. Most of the areas are dimly lit, but they are not so dark that you feel cheated.

To sum up

It will take you a while to figure out what is going on within Eyes: the horror game, but the idea is that you avoid the enemy while you collect things that are hidden around your location. There is a mechanic where you may see through the enemy’s eyes, which is not a new idea, but it is yet another mechanic that is underused within the first-person horror genre. Overall, this game is not going to knock your socks off, but it does offer a suitable distraction for mobile and PC gamers.

  • Version


  • License


  • Platform


  • OS

    iOS 8.1.1

  • Language


  • Downloads


  • Developer

    Paulina Pabis


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